Friday, February 28, 2014

What You Need to Know About the Different Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic specialists are the dental professionals you need to consult if you have problems related to misaligned teeth. The word "orthodontic" originates from the Greek terms orthos (meaning "perfect" or "straight"), and odous (meaning "tooth"). Orthodontic treatments help control the growth of teeth to make sure they do not become misaligned, or help realign crooked teeth.

Treatments for misaligned teeth often require the use of dental appliances like palate expanders, headgear, or braces. Some specialists provide jaw surgery for more extreme cases, wherein they reconstruct the jaw and teeth. Read on to know a few of the most popular orthodontic treatments.

Preventive Treatments

These treatments "prevent" the development of misalignments by improving the conditions for permanent tooth growth. An example of preventive treatment is maintaining the space for a permanent tooth to grow if a baby tooth falls out early. This leaves enough room for a permanent tooth to grow. Another example is the removal of baby teeth that do not fall out normally to allow permanent teeth to erupt and grow.

Interceptive Treatments

Orthodontic specialists apply this type of treatment when a dental problem starts to develop at an early age. These treatments are similar to preventive treatments, except they are only applicable to patients who are already showing signs of developing misalignments. The application of palatal expanders to adjust a patient's jaw to allow his teeth to fit together better is an example of interceptive treatment.

Comprehensive Treatments

These treatments focus on correcting a fully developed alignment or occlusion (bite) problem. These often require the use of dental appliances such as headgear and braces to realign teeth. In the past, many patients avoided visiting orthodontic specialists for this treatment, because dental appliances look uncomfortable and bulky. Today, there are "invisible" braces such as Invisalign and Clear Correct, which provide the benefits of normal braces without the metal components. "Fast-acting" braces are also available for adults who dislike the idea of wearing braces for several years.

Invisible and fast-acting braces are usually more costly than standard braces, but many teenagers and adults prefer these to avoid becoming the target of jokes at school or work.

Surgical Treatments

Adults may have more difficulty correcting misaligned teeth and jaws than children and teenagers. Surgical orthodontics (also known as orthognathic surgery or corrective jaw surgery), is often the last resort if no other orthodontic treatment works for you. These procedures may treat problems such as protruding or recessed jaws, jaw problems that make it difficult for patients to breathe, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

TMJ disorder may be a serious problem if left untreated. Everyone has two of these joints connecting both sides of the lower jaw to the skull. TMJ problems make it uncomfortable to chew, swallow, bite, or talk. Surgery is the common treatment for TMJ problems, but non-invasive treatments, like the use of occlusal splints, may also be effective.

Not all orthodontists are surgeons, so you may need to consult with a different dentist if you require surgery.

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