Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Water For Wellness - Will Water Cure Disease?

Most of us are aware that we should drink more water, some of us don't see that it's necessary and drink very little, others realise they don't drink enough and are 'going to try to drink more'. I, for one, keep telling myself that I should drink more water ... but I never thought of it before as being a possible cure for many of the health problems that people suffer from today.

Water is, after all, the basis of all life and is vital to our very existence. The muscles that move our body are 75% water; the blood that transports nutrients is 82%; the lungs that provide our oxygen are 90% water; the brain, the control centre of the body is 76% and even our bones are 25% water.

When you think of it - nothing on this earth will survive without water and our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of the water we drink.

Another essential nutrient of life is salt and there are many problems that are caused by a deficiency of these two essential nutrients, water and salt.

Among them:
Arthritis, asthma, autism and other birth defects caused by the mother being dehydrated, most back problems (without enough water & salt the body cannot produce enough cartilage to prevent joint degeneration), cancer, high cholesterol which only appears when the body needs it to prevent water loss in cells, circulation problems, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, lupus, Multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, obesity, osteoporosis, scleroderma & most skin problems and thyroid problems.

It would seem far too simple to imagine that we could actually cure any of these problems just by adding water and salt to our diet. Yet, according to Dr Batmanghelidj, author of "Your Body's Many Cries for Water", this is just what we can do. Think about it ...what is the most common treatment that is used in hospitals to stabilise the patient? - an IV saline drip.

The pioneering work done by Dr Batmanghelidj shows that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) can be a cause for pain and the presence of many degenerative diseases. Increasing water intake and adding sea salt to the diet on a regular basis can prevent and treat many of these degenerative diseases.

Everyone agrees that water is good for the body but what they don't know is what happens to the body if it does not receive its daily requirement.

Thirst signals often show up as pain, and are treated with drugs. These drugs do not 'cure' the problem, instead they just mask the problem. This is like turning out the dashboard signal light that tells us our car is about to overheat.

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural water a habit in your life. It won't take long for you to feel the benefit.

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