Monday, March 17, 2014

How Acupuncture Relieves Sciatica

Once we understand how sciatica happens, we begin to see why acupuncture is so effective in treating it. As you may know, sciatica is a symptom caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve, which results in pain down the side or back of the leg as far down as the calf or even ankle. This pressure usually comes from a combination of different factors:

1.) Spasms of various muscles that the sciatic nerve runs through squeeze the nerve (esp. the piriformis muscle). There are also muscles that spasm near the spine and exacerbate the pressure caused by any bulging disc.

2.) Inflammation causes more pressure and irritation to the sciatic nerve.

3.) A herniated disc, degenerative joint disease, or other problems with the structure of the spine, put pressure on the nerves that come together to form the sciatic nerve.

Acupuncture is effective in resolving the first two causes of Sciatica. However, even when a herniated disc is involved, acupuncture can relieve the secondary inflammation and muscle spasm, and the pressure can usually be reduced enough to relieve the pain entirely.
A bulging disc pressing on nerves makes the nerves more sensitive. If those same nerves receive yet more pressure from tight muscles, the pain of sciatica is created. The muscles tension is like the "straw that breaks the camel's back". So, while acupuncture cannot reverse a bulging disc, it can reduce the pain and more importantly the spasmodic muscles, which escalate pressure on the nerves and create the pain in the first place.

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