Friday, February 14, 2014

Causes and Treatment of Bruxism Disorders

According to the experts, the causes and treatments of bruxism disorders are varied. Many people have a mild form of the condition and may not ever require treatment for it. Others people have more sever forms of it and really have a problem dealing with the results of it. This symptom is the grinding and clenching for the teeth and jaw at night while sleeping. Some cases can lead to jaw disorders and severely damaged teeth along with headaches and other problems.

Causes and treatment of bruxism are many. The causes are thought to be too much stress in your life and too much anger or tension from every day problems or anxiety. Other causes can be an over zealous personality type that is prone to excessive competition. Dental problems known as malocclusions can lead to jaw disorders too. It is thought that well known health conditions can lead to bruxism disorder, like complications of Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. Some medications can have side effects that can be responsible for this disorders too. Such medications can include psychiatric drugs or anti-depressants or others.

If you have just been diagnosed with Bruxism disorder, you may be asking what are the causes and treatment of this symptom. The treatments of Teeth Grinding are as varied as the causes are. If you go to a dentist to find out the treatment for it, you will more than likely be told that you should purchase a mouth guard and use it to protect your teeth. This is a treatment but not a cure. Other treatments can be holistic type treatments such as hypnosis or acupuncture. Nutritionists will tell you to try to eat certain foods and take certain vitamins and minerals. Herbalists will tell you to take certain herbs. If you are grinding your teeth and are looking for the causes and treatment of bruxism disorders, don't give up. There may be a natural cure or treatment out there for you.

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