Sunday, January 26, 2014

TMJ Treatment Options - Dental Treatments

Have you ever gotten your jaw stuck open? Many people say that mine really should stick now and then because I talk way too much.

On a more serious note, a stuck or painful jaw, or even hearing loss could have a common source. The jaw actually not flexing on the ball and the associated jaw pain might in fact result from TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome.

There are some TMJ treatment options that one can use to get rid of the condition. However, the majority of individuals go to visit their dental professional, and this is not a bad decision.

Can you picture exactly what that boxer's jaw feels like after a well-landed right cross? Well that could just be similar to the pain of a person enduring TMJ disorder. It might also induce a ringing in the ears, popping or cracking sound when opening the mouth, headache, or neck pain or even have the symptoms of a migraine.

Dentist is often the best individual to treat TMJ disorder. While the condition appears in your jaw area, it is only logical that the specialist who is focused on that location also treat it.

TMJ disorder impacts to the muscles that are used in chewing. Also, often one cause of TMJ is dislocation of your teeth. A dental professional can take an oral x-ray from your jaw and teeth which can help in identifying whether you have TMJ or not. It also helps in comprehending your symptoms better and whether there are any abnormalities.

The causes differ from degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis to temporal arthritis or Horton's Illness, an inflammatory condition of the blood vessels. Not to worry, all is not lost. There are treatments.

For instance, the dental professional can choose to move the condyle to the new position so that it is easier for the individual to chew. In this way, the pain can be relieved since the lower jaw rocks appropriately. Before this kind of treatment, the dentist will inject an anesthesia into the jaw joint and also a shot into the blood to relax your muscles.

The dentist might actually offer another TMJ therapy which involves tightening up the ligaments that attach to the jaw bones and facial muscles. Ligaments attach to muscles and bones in all the joints of our body to assist in holding them in place and in supporting their basic functions.

Many of us understand that, if the ligaments that help the knee function are injured, serious pain and difficulty walking often result. It's that knee rocking movement that nearly mimics the rocking movement of the mandible in chewing.

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago, I went to a routine check up with my dentist, Dr. Heinricks (whom has since retired, unfortunately. He was an amazing dentist!). Dr. Heinricks suggested that I see Dr. Olmos and Dr. Smith due to my uneven jaw (jaw cant), clicking, and horrendous pain. tmj home remedies
