Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Understanding The Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement joint surgery is a surgical procedure whereby the damaged parts of hip joint are replaced with prosthetic implants (artificial parts). The hip replacement surgery is categorized into two: Total replacement also referred to as total hip arthroplasty and the hemi or half replacement also referred to as hemiarthroplasty. The total hip replacement involves replacement of both the femoral joint and the acetabulum (hip bone) while the hemiarthroplasty consists of replacing only the femoral head. Nowadays, hip replacement surgery is the most popular orthopaedic operation, although the patient's short term and long term satisfaction varies widely.

When is the right time for a hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement procedure should be carried out when the hip joint is experiencing painful symptoms that can no longer be controlled through medicinal treatment. Depending on the severity of the hip damage, your surgeon will recommend a total hip replacement or a hemiarthroplasty.

What leads to hip substitution?

Joint failure is the reason why hip replacement is performed. Joint failure can be as a result of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, Hip fractures, protrusion acetabuli, Bone Tumors, Malignant and Benign.

Alternatives to Hip Surgery

The first alternative to hip replacement can be referred to as conservative management. Before a doctor concludes whether to perform a hip replacement surgery, the doctor will try other methods. These methods are: exercise, walking aids and medication. Taking part in exercises will strengthen the hip joint muscles while walking aids such as walkers and canes may relieve stress from the painful and damaged hips hence delaying or avoiding surgery.

For patients who experience hip joint pain without inflammation, the doctor will recommend analgesic medication acetaminophen. On the other hand, for patients with hip joint pains with inflammation, treatment involves use of NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin and ibuprofen are among the most common NSAIDs.

For some cases, a much stronger analgesic medicine or a product containing both the narcotic analgesic and acetaminophen such as the Codeine may be recommended by the doctor in order to control pain.

Topical analgesic products may also offer pain relief. Some people may find pain relief from a combination of chondroitin and glucosamine. Patients should first inform their doctors before settling for nutritional supplements, herbs and alternative medicines to avoid destructive drug interactions.

Another alternative is hip resurfacing. This is a minor surgical procedure that involves placement of a cobalt chrome metal cup over the femur head while another similar metal cup is fixed in the pelvis socket (Acetabulum). The metal cup placed on the pelvis socket replaces the articulating surface of the hip joint by removing little bone material. The metal cup is hollow with a mushroom shape.

Viscosupplementation is another alternative to hip substitution procedure. This involves injection of artificial lubricants into the hip joint. An example of these lubricants is hyaluronan. This lubricant can also serve as a pain reliever.

Risks involved in joint Replacement

After the surgery some patients may develop blood clot in their leg vain. This is dangerous as it may not allow the flow of blood from the legs to the heart or to the lungs.

Some patients may also get infections in the hip joint or in the wound. This risk is likely to occur in people who suffer from diabetes, chronic liver disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

Nerve injury around the surgery site may also occur during the surgical procedure. Nerve injury may cause numbness, difficulty in muscle movement or tingling.

Difference in length height may arise from the surgical procedure. Usually the height difference is minimal and does not cause any pain or malfunction of the leg.

1 comment:

  1. Looking for a hip replacement surgery specialist? Dr. Rakesh Rajput is just the person you are searching for! Advanced techniques and surgical tools are used during his hip joint replacement operations.
